Ill. A. Gene Cobb, Jr., 33°
Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of North Carolina
To: The Orient of North Carolina, via Personal Representatives in each Valley
From: A. Gene Cobb, Jr., 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General
RE: Clarification and Directions concerning Hurricane Relief
The Orient of North Carolina AASR is duty-bound to work with the Grand Lodge of North Carolina AF&AM, "Together, we RISE. Together, so will North Carolina. We have the Right/Right heart to work together and rebuild western North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do to help. Please note the following changes in the October 4, 2024, Directive, and accept my apology for any "confusion."
- The October 4, 2024, Directive is now null and void.
- The October 10, 2024, Directive and Memorandum replaces the October 4, 2024, Directive.
- Donations from Scottish Rite Masons, Masons, or non-Masons made directly to the North Carolina Masonic Foundation or the North Carolina Scottish Rite Foundation are tax deductible and will be acknowledged. No Valley has the authority to credit an individual with a tax-deductible contribution.
- Funds contributed to Hurricane Relief through the Almoner are NOT Tax Deductible. Until further notice, ALL VALLEYS will continue to receive Almoner's Box of Fraternal Assistance as it has always been. Each Valley shall
- At every sanctioned Scottish Rite meeting, the Personal Representative, Secretary, or Almoner will remind its members to contribute to the Hurricane Helene Relief of the Grand Lodge or the North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation.
- All Valleys are encouraged to set a goal for annual support for the victims of Hurricane Helene in the way and manner that works best for your Valley.
- Contributions through the Almoner's Box of Fraternal Assistance Account are NON-tax-deductible contributions for any reason.
- The Treasurer or Almoner shall remit ALL Hurricane Helene relief funds on hand to the NC Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation c/o Illustrious Jim Brandt, 33° by January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year,
- A report of Valley contributions and payments to Hurricane Helene Relief shall be included in the Minutes of the Stated Communication of the Valley and shared with SGIG no later than the last day of January, April, July, and October of each year.
- All Almoners may receive and respond indefinitely to any request from any Mason to assist individuals or families anywhere in the Orient of North Carolina impacted by Hurricane Helene.
If any question arises, call the SGIG at 919-671-4960.