Ill. A. Gene Cobb, Jr., 33°
Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of North Carolina
Esteemed Brethren:
From: A. Gene Cobb, Jr., 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General
With the most profound sense of gratitude and appreciation, the Orient of North Carolina recognizes the retirement of Illustrious George Kalamaras, 33° as the Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of North Carolina. George and Angela will be moving to Wilmington sometime in April, and while his presence will be missing in Winston-Salem, I will welcome him for less than an hour up or down the road, depending on where we choose to get together!Illustrious George and I have worked together on many occasions in our Fraternity in ways that have given me confidence in his wisdom, strength, and exceptional ability to speak the truth with respect, dignity, and integrity at all times. Since our days of cooperative work between Greensboro and Winston-Salem, I have come to look forward to his perspective, and he never let the Orient, Valley of Winston-Salem, or me down. Illustrious George was a champion leader for his Valley and his friend and brother SGIG. He set the bar high for all current and future Personal Representatives of the SGIG, and I cherish the example he set for future leaders in this Orient to exemplify.
Accordingly, I appoint Illustrious Kirby Matthews, 33°, as Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of North Carolina in Winston-Salem. Illustrious Kirby is no stranger to any of us in North Carolina. I am confident in the smooth transition to his continued leadership in the Valley and the Orient. Illustrious Kirby Matthews' 33° appointment will become effective upon his Installation Ceremony on April 10, 2025, at the Stated Communication of the Valley. I will offer more personal remarks about both of these men.
Accordingly, I am appointing Thomas VanEtten, 32° , as Orient Golf Chairman, effective immediately.
You will undoubtedly join me in thanking and celebrating Brothers Kalamaras, Kirby, and VanEtten for their past, present, and future service.
If any question arises, call the SGIG at 919-671-4960.